Schlagwort: frame

  • Polaroid-Wall

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    I discovered analog photography quite late (but better than never) with my Mamiya RB67 with a polaroid back. So in addition the only thing that is missing is a proper way of displaying the outcome. Sticking them onto the wall would be too easy (and boring). Better to use black and white „object frames“ –…

    Polaroid-Wand mit Bilderrahmen im Schachbrettmuster.
  • Motivation in a frame


    My favourite customers got a special hand-made thank-you-for-the-great-cooperation-present this year: a motivational poster! (More or less) smart motivational sayings and quotes are written with a classic typewriter (I won’t say how many typos I made and how many pieces of paper I needed) on a piece of parchment paper (ca. 10x7cm; available in paper stores…

    Objektrahmen mit Zitat