Kategorie: Videography (English)
Posts about cinematography & videography, film-equipment, DSLRs, etc.
Do-It-Yourself Teleprompter
Teleprompters are essential for US-presidents, longer speeches and persons who are too lazy to learn a text by heart. Unfortunately they are also relatively expensive to buy (eg. Prompterpeople) and also to rent (€150 per day in Vienna). For a no-budget-shoot both alternatives are out of question. So: DIY! The basic setup of a teleprompter is quite simple:…
Malteser Whitewater Camp
Fot 15 years the Malteser Hospitaller Service Austria has been organizing the Whitewater Camp for people with disabilities (especially teenagers). For three days the participants paddle along the Salza river in inflatable canoes (three persons per canoe: a guide from Liquid Lifestyle, a participant and a member of the Order of Malta). I had the…