Kategorie: English

Blogpostings in English. I normally write in German, but I try to translate each post also to English. Some day also all my old postings will show up here. Please also have a look at the subcategories.

  • Checkered Book shelf


    I really like checkered patterns, as you might have noticed in this blog post. So why not create also a bookshelf in that design? The shelf is based on 30 pieces (12 white and 18 black) of 1×1 Expedit shelves by IKEA. Unfortunately IKEA discontinued the Expedit programme in 2014 and replaced it with Kallax, but I managed to…

    Bücherregal im Schachbrettmuster aus 1x1-Expedit-Regalen.
  • Audi as a chance


    I inherited – a classic car. Well, a twentyfive year old Audi 80. Maybe not the best drive to take part at the Mille Miglia or cruise to Lake Neusiedl on a weekend. As I already own a (slightly more modern) car and don’t want to get into the classic car DIY scene, one question…

    Hans Eidenhammer
  • Polaroid-Wall

    , ,

    I discovered analog photography quite late (but better than never) with my Mamiya RB67 with a polaroid back. So in addition the only thing that is missing is a proper way of displaying the outcome. Sticking them onto the wall would be too easy (and boring). Better to use black and white „object frames“ –…

    Polaroid-Wand mit Bilderrahmen im Schachbrettmuster.
  • Interview for #AFreelancersLife


    Melinda interviewed me for her series #AFreelancersLife about my daily work as a photographer and cinematographer – and why it is important to have a drumset right next to your work desk. Unfortunately, the original blog post is not online anymore. But I re-published it here.

    Christian in Yellowstone (by Katalin Hanappi)
  • LED Dinner Table


    What to do when you can’t find a nice dinner table for your new flat? Build one! I wanted to build something with Bosch-Rexroth-Profiles (normally exhibition stands are made with these – it’s like LEGO for grown ups) for quite a while. And something with LED lighting. So the project was clear: an illuminated dinner table. The table is…

    Esstisch aus Aluprofilen mit Glasplatte und LED-Beleuchtung.
  • Motivation in a frame


    My favourite customers got a special hand-made thank-you-for-the-great-cooperation-present this year: a motivational poster! (More or less) smart motivational sayings and quotes are written with a classic typewriter (I won’t say how many typos I made and how many pieces of paper I needed) on a piece of parchment paper (ca. 10x7cm; available in paper stores…

    Objektrahmen mit Zitat