Kategorie: DIY (English)
All posts are about Do-It-Yourself. Attention, wet paint and lots of Gaffa tape!
Making a house temporarily wheelchair-accessible
Due to an accident my parents‘ house had temporarily to be made as wheelchair-accessible as possible. Temporarily because the wheelchair was only neede for a couple of weeks. This once again showed that no education is wrong – especially, when it is about technical skills. Thanks, college for mechanical engineering! First step: Adding support handles…
Checkered Book shelf
I really like checkered patterns, as you might have noticed in this blog post. So why not create also a bookshelf in that design? The shelf is based on 30 pieces (12 white and 18 black) of 1×1 Expedit shelves by IKEA. Unfortunately IKEA discontinued the Expedit programme in 2014 and replaced it with Kallax, but I managed to…
I discovered analog photography quite late (but better than never) with my Mamiya RB67 with a polaroid back. So in addition the only thing that is missing is a proper way of displaying the outcome. Sticking them onto the wall would be too easy (and boring). Better to use black and white „object frames“ –…
LED Dinner Table
What to do when you can’t find a nice dinner table for your new flat? Build one! I wanted to build something with Bosch-Rexroth-Profiles (normally exhibition stands are made with these – it’s like LEGO for grown ups) for quite a while. And something with LED lighting. So the project was clear: an illuminated dinner table. The table is…
Motivation in a frame
My favourite customers got a special hand-made thank-you-for-the-great-cooperation-present this year: a motivational poster! (More or less) smart motivational sayings and quotes are written with a classic typewriter (I won’t say how many typos I made and how many pieces of paper I needed) on a piece of parchment paper (ca. 10x7cm; available in paper stores…