LED Dinner Table

Esstisch aus Aluprofilen mit Glasplatte und LED-Beleuchtung.

What to do when you can’t find a nice dinner table for your new flat? Build one!

I wanted to build something with Bosch-Rexroth-Profiles (normally exhibition stands are made with these – it’s like LEGO for grown ups) for quite a while. And something with LED lighting. So the project was clear: an illuminated dinner table. The table is made out of 45x45mm-profiles, that are open on two sides (you can get them from bfm in Austria).


The profiles can be ordered in the lengths you need. They are connected with square connectors (easily done, like LEGO). There are plastic caps mounted to the table legs to protect the floor from scratches. On top there is a frosted glas plate (6mm safety glass) from a glazier’s workshop in Vienna.

Eckverbinder mit Glasplatte

The upper profiles include Paulmann LED strips (available here) – practically the LED strips fit perfectly into the profiles. The are fixed with semi-transparent plastic bars (can be ordered together with the aluminium profiles).


The transformer has exactly the same width as the profiles (that was planned is pure coincidence) and is mounted on a table leg.

Trafo für LED

The power cable is hidden inside the profile.


Et voilá:

Esstisch aus Aluprofilen mit Glasplatte und LED-Beleuchtung.

That’s how the table looks when the LEDs are switched on (looks much better in the dark – perfect for a quite different candle light dinner):

Esstisch aus Aluprofilen mit Glasplatte und LED-Beleuchtung.