Motivation in a frame

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My favourite customers got a special hand-made thank-you-for-the-great-cooperation-present this year: a motivational poster!


(More or less) smart motivational sayings and quotes are written with a classic typewriter (I won’t say how many typos I made and how many pieces of paper I needed) on a piece of parchment paper (ca. 10x7cm; available in paper stores like Boesner). The internet is full of quotes and sayings, just google a bit!


You might need a couple of attempts to get the quote centered on the piece of paper. Make sure to buy enough paper!

Pergament mit Zitat

The background is a matte photo cardboard, cut to 13x18cm.


A 5mm thick foam plate (cut to ca. 5x8cm) works as a spacer (attached with double faced adhesive tape).

Kappaplatte mit Klebeband

Background, foam plate and paper are glued together so that the foam plate is invisible and the paper is „floating“.

Work in Progress

The frame is an object-frame (13x18cm) with some space between the glas and the background.


Et voilá:

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